Age Like Clooney: Here’s How to Look and Feel 10 Years Younger

It’s easy enough to buy a badass car to make yourself feel younger, but actually looking younger takes a little more effort. Ten years younger? That’s a commitment from head to toe. We asked a few experts for tips on how to make each part of your body look a decade younger. (Note: we’re assuming you’re not in your 20s. No man should want to look 17 again.)


“Men of a certain age looking to reduce their age should stay away from the side part or combing their hair straight back. Instead, opt for no part, use a shorter clipper on the sides instead of scissors all over, and use product when styling to maximize texture. Just as hairstyles for older men make a younger man appear older, so it works in reverse.”

– Kelly Lovelock, Club Director, John Allan’s Salon

George Clooney

Learn from: Clooney, George; Grant, Hugh; Slattery, John


“The biggest thing these days would be jacket length. A more fitted, shorter jacket length gives a more youthful, modern appearance to a man. As a whole, a slimmer suit with the right silhouette helps out, too. It should be no more than an inch above the seat line. Anything higher than that will look like the wearer is trying to fit in with a much younger crowd. Just an inch is enough to look only slightly younger.”

– Jeff Podgurny, General Manager, Garrison Bespoke

Bradley Cooper

Learn from: Cooper, Bradley; Firth, Colin; Ford, Tom


“Weight train to increase lean muscle mass and decrease fat mass. In addition to boosting testosterone, weight training also naturally increases growth hormone production (which is also known as the fountain of youth). Another benefit of weight training is the positive impact it has on posture, and an improvement in posture alone makes a man look younger and stronger.”

– Gabriel Lee, Co-Founder, ManTraining Fitness

Daniel Craig

Try these: Squats, leg presses, lat pull-downs and bench presses. Start with light weights doing 15-20 reps and eventually move to increased weights doing 12-15 reps.


“When men hit the age of 40 their oil production drastically drops which almost overnight shows their lifestyle on the face. A proper cleanser that will restore balance to their skin will hugely change their appearance. Alternatively, a quick peel, ear wax, nose wax and eyebrow clean-up makes a huge difference. It’s amazing how much a face will change without crazy hairs sticking out.”

– Daniel Francoeur, Bode Studio for Men

Ryan Reynolds

Learn from: Rudd, Paul; Lowe, Rob; Reynolds, Ryan


“Everything that happens in the body begins with our digestive system. To regain a healthy gastrointestinal tract, take a potent daily probiotic supplement. Try to consume things like kombucha tea, kimchee, sauerkraut, and other fermented foods daily, which will promote a healthier system. Having a balanced digestive tract, will not only build your immunity and improve your health, but it will also transform your skin, making you look years younger than your true age.”

– Jay Bradley, health & wellness expert

Chris Pratt

Do it yourself: Pick up an airlocked fermenting jar (from Cultures for Health) to prepare your own vegetables, fruits and condiments.

Two More Things To Consider

Stress manifests as a hormone called cortisol. In a nutshell, excessive cortisol breaks down muscle tissue, increases body fat and negatively impacts things like blood sugar regulation, cardiovascular health and immune function, all of which can make you look and feel older. Elevated cortisol also causes a decrease in testosterone levels. The key to minimizing stress is finding an outlet that works for you. Maybe try mindfulness.

Telomeres, found at the end of each strand of DNA, and protect our chromosomes. These things shorten as you get older and affect everything from your weakening immune system to cancer risks. By taking in extra nutrients, you can elongate the lives of telomeres and, eventually, yourself. Recommended nutrients include vitamin D (sun), omega-3 (fish oils), vitamin B12 (meat), magnesium (dark leafy greens) and probiotics (fermented veggies).