The FBI Is Reopening Its Investigation into Clinton’s Emails: Here’s What We’re Reading

The Daily 5 is Sharp’s essential reading list for what’s happening in the world today. Make sure to follow us on Twitter or subscribe to the Sharp Insider newsletter to stay up to date.

Here’s what we’re reading today.

1. New emails in Clinton case came from Anthony Weiner’s electronic devices

“Federal law enforcement officials said Friday that the new emails uncovered in the closed investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server were discovered after the F.B.I. seized electronic devices belonging to Huma Abedin, an aide to Mrs. Clinton, and her husband, Anthony Weiner.”

2. Facebook lets advertisers exclude you by race

“Imagine if, during the Jim Crow era, a newspaper offered advertisers the option of placing ads only in copies that went to white readers.

“That’s basically what Facebook is doing nowadays.”

3. ‘We are in for a pretty long civil war’

“In back rooms and think tanks, Republicans are already mourning their party—and plotting the fight over who’s going to be in it after Trump.”

+1: CNN is expected to make an extra $100 million USD off the back of its Trump coverage.

4. The wild success of the Halloween pop-up store

“The largest chain of spooky pop-ups was built on a foundation of fart machines and women’s clothing.”

5. We built a fake web toaster, and it was compromised in an hour.

“I don’t actually own a wireless toaster. But I devised a test. Renting a small server from Amazon, I gussied it up to look like an unsecured web device, opening a web port that hackers commonly use to remotely control computers. Instead of allowing real access, though, I set up a false front: Hackers would think they were logging into a server, but I’d really just record their keystrokes and IP addresses. In cybersecurity circles, this is called putting out a honeypot — an irresistible target that attracts and ultimately entraps hackers and the scripts they use to find vulnerable servers.”