Here’s How to Finally, Seriously Clean Up Your Closet

Having a well-0rganized closet is a relatively tiny detail when it comes to your home but can save you precious time — after all, you’re going to hit the snooze button anyway. An organized closet will give you the time to do that, guilt free.

1. Cleanse Your Palate

Start by taking absolutely everything out of your closet to see what you have. Yes, even that pile of weekend-only t-shirts stashed in the back corner.

2. Prep Your Ingredients

Organize the clothing by piles. One for your favourite pieces, one for items that no longer fit, another for clothes that have gone out of style (goodbye wide-legged cargos). Try on the clothes you’re unsure of. Nostalgia aside, if they don’t look good, toss (or donate) them. Organizing means getting rid of useless clutter where you can.

3. Create a System

Allocate parts of your closet to specific items, and how you wear them. Sweaters on one side, suits and blazers on the other, pants and button-up shirts in between. Find room in your drawers for denim and t-shirts.

4. Don’t Fear the Rack

Buy a shoe rack that fits seamlessly into the closet under your clothes. No man can be trusted to keep his shoes organized without one. Racks impose order. Line shoes by style and type.