Watch This Professor’s Adorable Children Interrupt His Live BBC Interview

Is it possible for a serious conversation about the impeachment of South Korea’s president to be totally and utterly adorable? Only when a couple of babies wander unapologetically into the frame.

Allow us to introduce Professor Robert Kelly of Pusan National University in South Korea, who was brought onto the BBC earlier this morning to discuss the ousting of South Korean president Park Geun-hye. Kelly was doing a bang-up job, right up to the point when his two children decided to barge into his office and completely steal the show.

We’re proud of Kelly’s elder child for standing her ground in the face of her father’s very rude shove. But we’re even prouder of the unidentified lady who appears in the back of the frame, who uses her ninja-like reflexes to scramble across the floor, gather both kids and shut the door in record time. Kudos all around.