Here’s How to Make the Best Impression With Your Business Cards

You’ve got a great business card. Superb stock. Flawless font. Just the right amount of embossing on the text. Not to mention your title. Now you need to know how to use it effectively.

Be judicious.

Don’t hand out cards like confetti. The offer of a card should signal a genuine interest in connecting with a new acquaintance.

Be prepared.

Always carry a fully stocked cardholder, plus a few extras in your jacket pocket.

Be interested.

When someone hands you their card, make a point of reading and acknowledging the information it contains. Everyone likes to feel important.

Be thorough.

If you ask for someone’s card, contact them by email within 24 hours (or to make a greater impression, with a handwritten note) to follow up.

Be informed.

When doing business in Asia, present your card holding it with both hands and receive cards the same way. Likewise, never write on a business card or put it in your back pocket. This is considered very poor form.