Ontario Dad Builds The Most Shoddy/Perfect Backyard Zamboni

Few things read more Canadian than the backyard skating rink. It’s hockey, it’s winter, it’s Walter and Wayne out in Brampton. The only problem? Damn, is it a lot of maintenance.

That’s where father and innovator Conrad Galambos comes in.

Tired of just using his hose to clean up his Dundas, Ont. rink, he built the Galamboni, the most perfect backyard zamboni we’ve seen in a while.

Some of the features of the Galamboni include:

  • Control valve to manage the flow of water
  • Watering cannister to prime zamboni rag
  • Steering mechanism to pull Galamboni around the rink

According to Galambos, the Galamboni puts a much finer layer of water on the ice which freezes sooner than the normal spray-and-pray. His water usage has also gone down since switching to the Galamboni. It takes one bucket of water now, down from six buckets with the hose, he told the CBC.

Sounds like a real winner, right Don?

H/T: CBC Hamilton