Let This Live Panda Cam Keep You Sane Until the Weekend

Few things in this world are as relaxing or inherently pleasurable as watching rolly-polly animals lounge around. If you’re a regular reader of this website, that isn’t news: you’re probably still watching that live feed of those Alaskan walruses (walri?). And with the next long weekend still a few weeks away, we’re all in desperate need of something to distract us from, you know, work.

The Toronto Zoo understands our yearning for zen, so they’ve devised our new favourite live feed: the Panda Cam. Between the hours of 9am and 6:30pm, Monday to Friday, we’re invited to watch panda Er Shun and her twin 10-month-old cubs, Jia Panpan and Jia Yueyue, as they eat, play and snooze the day away in their enclosure.

Below is a pre-recorded video of the pandas doing what they do best (aforementioned lounging) but you can find the live stream here.