This Is The Savage, Ridiculous Successor to Last Month’s Mannequin Challenge

You knew it was coming. The Mannequin Challenge has been blowing up your feed for over a month now, it was only a matter of time before the youths needed a new viral phenomenon to latch on to.

That new craze is called the Backpack Challenge and, ho-boy, is it savage. Not content just standing in frozen tableau as a camera pans around the room, the children you’ve tried to raise right figured they’d rather film themselves beat the living hell out of each other, risking life and limb for likes.

The Idea: A group of kids form two lines on either side of their poor friend/enemy. The victim attempts to run through a gauntlet as their friends, armed with ostensibly very full backpacks, try to beat them down with all the might that a 15-year-old bicep can muster.

The Reality: Youths foaming at the mouth for a chance to take down their peers by the kneecaps and/or face. Extra points if you slam your buddy’s head while he’s already on the ground.

According to Select/All, the phenomenon, in all its stupidity, began last week with this tweet from one Abbuci Wood.

Here’s a compilation of some of the best/worst you should should check out. Just be wary the next time you try to walk through a hallway lined with your coworkers.