Conor McGregor Is Training in Front of a Giant Mural of Himself KO’ing Floyd Mayweather

So Conor McGregor is a big proponent of the law of attraction. Word is, when he was a wee lad in Dublin, he read The Secret — Rhonda Byrne’s Oprah-approved book about staying positive to create life-changing events — and it taught him the power of visualizing your dreams in order to manifest them. Which explains why the guy talks such a big game all the time.

It also explains why, ahead of his much-anticipated boxing match against Floyd Mayweather, the Irish MMA megastar is getting psyched during training sessions with a giant mural of himself rearranging Money’s face. Yup, McGregor’s gym wall is basically a giant dream board:

Tunnel vision

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Now, considering that The Notorious faces steep odds against Mayweather — and that Pretty Boy’s entire fighting style is centered around evading his opponents to avoid huge blows — McGregor’s new painting seems like quite the fantasy. But, hey! Fantasies are kinda his thing. Dude’s just throwing his out into the universe.

This is likely just a tiny taste of the trash talk we’ll be hearing from McGregor and Mayweather leading up to their bout on August 26. To tide you over until then, here’s a hyper-realistic computer simulation of the match: