How to Rehab Your Skin this Winter

This post is part of our Encyclopedia of Grooming: 2015 Edition.
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A harsh winter can leave your mug looking dry and unpleasant. But there are ways to save your face.

First and foremost, take pre-emptive measures. “Wear a sunscreen in the morning, year-round,” recommends Dr. Ben Barankin, a Toronto dermatologist. “Use a thicker moisturizer in the winter. Make sure the humidifier is on and working during the cold months. Consider getting a water softening system for your home.”

But if your skin’s already cracked and craggy, moisturize more diligently. If that’s not enough, see your doctor to treat what might be eczema. Otherwise, Barankin suggests microdermabrasion — a technique where specialists use tiny, rough grains to buff away the outermost layer of skin cells, exposing smoother skin underneath. Like spring cleaning for your kisser.