This Cozy Band Collar Shirt Will Shield You From Your Office’s Overeager AC

You guys, it’s really damn cold in Sharp’s offices. The air conditioning is cranked to a meat-locker-esque chill, which causes my teeth to chatter incessantly and makes it terribly difficult to concentrate. Instead of editing, I spend most of my workdays fantasizing about hefty knit sweaters, wide-wale corduroy trousers, and cozy twill shirts. Shirts like this one, for instance, from Vancouverite hitmakers Wings + Horns. wings-and-horns-band-collar-shirt-1

Fashioned from a soft, warm brushed cotton-wool blend, the shirt features a perfectly of-the-moment band collar (still hate you, Frank in Accounting), a couple of handy utility pockets, and a trim, modern silhouette. I plan on keeping one at my desk to use as a de-facto tauntaun in the face of this workplace cold snap, and then transitioning it to my actual wardrobe come fall. You should do the same.

Images: Wings + Horns