Are You A Jerk? Here’s What We’re Reading Today
The Daily 5 is Sharp’s essential reading list for what’s happening in the world today. Make sure to follow us on Twitter or subscribe to the Sharp Insider newsletter to stay up to date.
Here’s what we’re reading today:
1. ‘Incomeless’ students spent $57m on Vancouver homes
“Nine students with no apparent source of income bought $57-million worth of single-family homes in Vancouver’s tony Point Grey neighbourhood over the past two years, according to records compiled by British Columbia’s Opposition New Democrats.
“The NDP said the purchases are more evidence that authorities have let the region’s housing market overheat beyond the reach of most locals.”
2. If you think everyone around you is terrible, the joke may be on you
“Are you surrounded by fools and non-entities, by people with bad taste and silly desires, by boring people undeserving of your attention, by people who can be understood quickly by applying a broad and negative brush—creeps, stuck-up snobs, bubbleheaded party kids, smug assholes, and, indeed, jerks?
“If this is how the world regularly looks to you, then I have bad news. Likely, you are the jerk. This is not how the world looks to most people, and it is not how the world actually is. You have a distorted vision. You are not seeing the individuality and potential of the people around you.”
3. Donald Trump wants Peter Theil on the U.S. Supreme Court
“Trump ‘deeply loves Peter Thiel,’ and people in the real estate mogul’s inner circle are talking about Thiel as a Supreme Court nominee, a separate source close to Trump told The Huffington Post. That source, who has not spoken to Trump directly about Thiel being nominated to the Court, cautioned that Trump’s offers often fail to materialize in real life.”
4. Meet the face of the Alt-Right
“At 4 p.m., Milo Yiannopoulos puts on a pair of glasses for the first time today. He examines himself in a mirror to see if he wants to add a gray suit to his purchases, which will push his bill to almost $12,000 at Savile Row’s Gieves & Hawkes. He’s buying clothes for his next round of college speeches in, as his bus announces in huge letters next to five giant photos of him, the Dangerous Faggot Tour.” Read Bloomberg‘s profile of the new face of America’s far right white nationalists.
5. Seltzer, ranked
“A seltzer renaissance is upon us.
“Seltzer sales have more than doubled in the past five years. Analysts will say this is part of the ongoing health trend in the United States, as people wean themselves off that sugary-sweet soda pop and onto zero-sweetener, zero-sodium, zero-calorie seltzer water.”
Foodie mag Lucky Peach gives an in-depth ranking of soda water.