President Trump Dislikes Handing Over His iPhones for Security Check-ups, Is Begging to Get Hacked: Here’s What We’re Reading Today
The Daily 5 is Sharp’s essential reading list for what’s happening in the world today. Make sure to follow us on Twitter or subscribe to the Sharp Insider newsletter to stay up to date.
1. So little time, so much to tweet
“President Trump has at least two iPhones, one dedicated for making calls and another one for Twitter. But a new report states that Trump is often reluctant to hand the phones over to the White House security team to check for vulnerabilities. The president reportedly calls it “too inconvenient.”‘
2. Tesla Model 3 to fix braking issue
“Tesla Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk admitted late on Monday there was a braking issue with the Model 3 sedan, pointed out by Consumer Reports, and said it can be fixed with a firmware update that the electric car maker will be rolling out in a few days.”With further refinement, we can improve braking distance beyond initial specs. Tesla won’t stop until Model 3 has better braking than any remotely comparable car,” Musk wrote in a tweet.”
3. Amazon may save ‘The Expanse’ for a fourth season
Mere days after being canceled by Syfy, The Expanse may already be making a comeback. The Hollywood Reporter says that Amazon is in talks to revive the series for a fourth season. And while the deal is not yet closed, there was this little acknowledgement from author/producer Daniel Abraham.
4. It’s bulking season
“Projected to swell to $21bn globally by 2025, the protein supplement market is a growth industry. Shots of “gunpowder” are downed by pro athletes, massive dudes at your local gym and, increasingly, normal guys who play a bit of sport or want to get fit or be in better shape.”
5. “Solo: A Star Wars Story” rocky road to a galaxy far, far away
“The hackneyed industry catchphrase “creative differences” has been enlisted countless times over the decades to describe Hollywood productions gone amok, prompting a change in the director’s chair. The modern “Star Wars” series has not been immune: More than half of Lucasfilm’s recent efforts have suffered through episodes of filmmaker upheaval.”